Category Archives: Communicate love

Communicate Your Feelings Through Flowers

Flowers are perhaps the most perfect gift, graciously supplied by the earth. The mere sight of one’s favorite flower can soothe frazzled emotions, stoke the fires of new love, and rekindle feelings of hope. Flowers are living works of art that remind us that life is worth living. It would serve anyone well to learn more about flowers.

Read on to discover what types of flowers may be most meaningful to your loved ones (or yourself) on a special occasion or just an ordinary day.

Let the Flowers Do the Talking

Before you choose a type of flower to give to your loved one, ask yourself what you’d like to communicate to him or her. Whatever the sentiment is, flowers can express it. For example:

  • Love – There is no better way to express love than with classic, exquisite roses. Though typically associated with romance, roses are not just for lovers. Yellow roses are often exchanged between dear friends. Red roses are the ultimate Valentine’s Day treat. If you’re looking for something out-of-the-box, ask your florist for tie dyed roses.
  • Purity, Beauty, Innocence – Daises are often equated with innocence and youthfulness; they are an ideal gift for a young girl, a high school graduate, or a free spirit of any age. A bouquet of daisies can minister feelings of carefreeness and youthful exuberance.
  • Style, Class – Lilies, particularly Casablanca lilies, communicate that you see your loved one as beautiful, stylish, and one-of-a-kind. Its amazing fragrance makes this type of flower even more perfect.
  • Luxury, Strength, Beauty – Orchids are the best flower to give to someone you deeply value. Most people liken orchids to costliness and rarity. Katie Pavid of the Bristol Post explains, “During the Victorian era, orchid symbolism shifted to luxury, and today this sense of magnificence and artful splendor continues, with orchids representing rare and delicate beauty.” A gift of orchids will be long remembered.
  • Fascination – You might not know it, but carnations can effectively express fascination, making them a great gift to be sent by a secret admirer.

Colors Change the Meaning of Flowers

The color of a flower has the ability to alter or totally change the message you wish to communicate to the flower receiver. For example, giving your loved one pink flowers will communicate that you admire her femininity. White would highlight the receiver’s purity. Purple speaks of the high regard you hold your loved one in, and red represents romantic love and passion. Ralph Waldo Emerson exclaimed, “The earth laughs in flowers.” This lovely statement reminds us of the joy flowers can bring, and the simple power they possess to touch hearts and express sentiments. What is your favorite flower, and what color do you prefer? When was the last time you received a breathtaking bouquet of nature’s art? Share with us in the comments section below.

style= Read more Segmation blog posts about art and color: Colorful Flowers to Plant this Spring Sunflowers are Summer’s Glory Roses May Smell the Same, but Colors Make a Difference

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Colorful Roses on Valentine’s Day Communicate Love


The goal of most lovers on Valentine’s Day is to communicate love to their significant other. For these blessed people, Valentine’s Day is a much anticipated holiday that brings fulfillment and joy. Individuals in romantic relationships often seek to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for their loved one, and more often than not that gift ends up being a bouquet of roses. Depending upon their color, roses can communicate different types and intensities of love.

What color of roses communicates romantic love? Red, just as you probably guessed. Traditionally, red roses have symbolized passion, energy, and deep love. Red roses are best reserved for communicating intimate, romantic love. Given to someone you see in a platonic light, red roses could send a message you don’t intend, so be careful who you gift this type of flower to!

Whether or not you are in a romantic relationship, you may want to send roses to a dearly loved friend or family member on Valentine’s Day. No matter what you want to communicate, be it purity, friendship, admiration, etc., specific colors of roses can help you get your message across:

White — Love (especially of a spiritual nature), humility, reverence, and purity
Yellow — “Presents a ‘welcome back’ sentiment,” gladness, joy, and friendship
Pink — Innocence, affection, and understanding

For people who long to be in romantic relationships but simply haven’t found that special someone, Valentine’s Day can be an unhappy time. Everything these individuals see on February 14th reminds them that their desires are going unfulfilled. You can make Valentine’s Day special for these people by surprising them with roses. Since you want to avoid communicating a romantic message to such individuals, try sending them roses in the following colors:

Light pink — Gentility, grace, friendship, and admiration ROS021
Peach — Sincerity, sympathy, modesty, and gratitude
Dark pink — Appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness

It is the rare person who does not associate roses with Valentine’s Day, and for good reason: These classic flowers are excellent communicators of love in its various forms. We’re sure you have had your share of giving and receiving roses on Valentine’s Day. Leave a comment in the section below and share with Segmation what color of roses most delights you and makes you feel loved. Have a truly fulfilling Valentine’s Day!


Coming soon: There’s nothing that an art enthusiast loves more than to discover the works of an incredible artist. Read our upcoming post to learn about Gregg Visintainer, an artist worth getting to know.

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Communicate Love with Colorful Roses on Valentine’s Day


The goal of most lovers on Valentine’s Day is to communicate love to their significant other. For these blessed people, Valentine’s Day is a much anticipated holiday that brings fulfillment and joy. Individuals in romantic relationships often seek to find the perfect Valentine’s Day gift for their loved one, and more often than not that gift ends up being a bouquet of roses. Depending upon their color, roses can communicate different types and intensities of love.

What color of roses communicates romantic love? Red, just as you probably guessed. Traditionally, red roses have symbolized passion, energy, and deep love. Red roses are best reserved for communicating intimate, romantic love. Given to someone you see in a platonic light, red roses could send a message you don’t intend, so be careful who you gift this type of flower to!

Whether or not you are in a romantic relationship, you may want to send roses to a dearly loved friend or family member on Valentine’s Day. No matter what you want to communicate, be it purity, friendship, admiration, etc., specific colors of roses can help you get your message across:

White — Love (especially of a spiritual nature), humility, reverence, and purity
Pink — Innocence, affection, and understanding
Yellow — “Presents a ‘welcome back’ sentiment,” gladness, joy, and friendship

For people who long to be in romantic relationships but simply haven’t found that special someone, Valentine’s Day can be an unhappy time. Everything these individuals see on February 14th reminds them that their desires are going unfulfilled. You can make Valentine’s Day special for these people by surprising them with roses. Since you want to avoid communicating a romantic message to such individuals, try sending them roses in the following colors:

Light pink — Gentility, grace, friendship, and admiration roses,day,valentine’s,love,romantic,red,color,communicate
Dark pink — Appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness
Peach — Sincerity, sympathy, modesty, and gratitude

It is the rare person who does not associate roses with Valentine’s Day, and for good reason: These classic flowers are excellent communicators of love in its various forms. We’re sure you have had your share of giving and receiving roses on Valentine’s Day. Leave a comment in the section below and share with Segmation what color of roses most delights you and makes you feel loved. Have a truly fulfilling Valentine’s Day!

Coming soon: There’s nothing that an art enthusiast loves more than to discover the works of an incredible artist. Read our upcoming post to learn about Gregg Visintainer, an artist worth getting to know.

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