Tag Archives: time

Should You Become a Professional Artist?

images-1Have you ever dreamed about becoming a professional artist who makes a living creating art full-time? If so, you are not alone; thousands of artists all over the world desire the exact same thing. If you’ve ever seriously considered becoming a full-time artist and voiced your desire, you have probably heard some negative comments from others (and thought them yourself). Have you ever heard or thought the follow statements?

“You are too old to start a new career.”

“There is no financial stability in the field of art.”

“You are not talented enough to create art professionally.”

“You don’t have enough education to be an artist.”

“You are not a risk taker.”

These types of declarations are dream killers. Furthermore, they are often false. If your deepest desire is to become a professional artist, today is the day to consider taking steps in that direction.

How Badly Do You Want to Create Art Professionally?

Before you can make the decision to become a professional artist, you first have to gauge your desire to create art. How badly do you want to create art full-time? If you fall asleep and wake up thinking about art, you should probably pursue a career in the art field. If creating art consumes your mind, that’s a good sign you’re a professional artist-to-be.

Without a doubt, the first step in becoming a full-time artist is to simply make a decision to do so. In order to make such a decision, ask yourself the following question: “If I do not attempt to become a professional artist, will I sincerely regret it?” If your answer is yes, taking steps toward creating art for a living is probably the best choice you can make.

How to Overcome Your Fears

images-2Once you decide to become a professional artist, expect oppositional thoughts that breed fear to flood your mind. The way you can fight fear is by becoming educated and challenging your negative beliefs.

One of the biggest concerns of adults considering pursuing art is their age; they believe that because they are not in their 20s they are disqualified from becoming professional artists. If this is your concern, consider that before Paul Gauguin became a painter he was a stockbroker for over 10 years. He was probably terrified to leave his established career and attempt to create art for a living as grown man. However, he didn’t let the fact that he was starting an art career late in the game keep him from starting at all. Imagine what the world would have been deprived of had he not had trusted himself enough to step into the unknown for passion’s sake.

Essential Reading for the Aspiring Artist

If you’re serious about becoming a professional artist, there are two books that will likely be very helpful to you. One is Letters to a Young Poet by Rainer Maria Rilke. The other is The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. These books will infuse you with hope and give you the tools you need to challenge your limiting beliefs. It may also be a wise move to meet with a counselor or life coach who can help you make a career plan and take realistic steps toward your dream.

If you are still deliberating about whether or not you should take the journey of becoming a full-time artist, know that even if you fail at your endeavor, at least you will have tried and will have no regrets. Remember, risk is always met with reward.

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Sailboats are Examples of Recreational, Fun and Relaxing for Set Sail

Sailing is a method of moving and controlling a ship in water with large fabric foils called sails. With a small amount of skill and training (in addition to good weather and a bit of wind), a competent captain can adjust the sail rigging and control the rudder, and navigate through the water to a desired destination.

Though gradually replaced by ships with internal combustion engines, sailboats in many places are used as a recreational activity, with activities such as a racing and cruising. Set Sail patterns includes many photos of sailboats with sails trimmed in picturesque backdrops of sunsets, clear and cloudy skies, wooded shorelines, and calm waters. It allows one to Set Sail.

Become a Painter of Sailboats

Are you a sailboat lover? If so, have you ever considered painting them for yourself? Even if you don’t consider yourself an artist, you can be one today – see more details here)


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Inspirational Tips to Boost your Artistic Creativity

At one point or another, all artists have felt as if their creativity suddenly dried up. Artistic block is the reason some of the most prominent individuals in the art world traveled abroad or locked themselves in a tiny studio. They were seeking artistic inspiration.

If you are looking for inspiration, this post is all about helping you discover a  muse to jump start your creative ambition.

Being an artist means you constantly have to assess yourself

Start by asking yourself a few questions.

  • At what point during the day do I feel most creative?
  • When throughout the day do I have the most energy?
  • When was the last time I had a moment to myself?
  • When was the last time I spent a decent amount of time away from my studio?

These questions will provide you with a baseline for boosting your creativity. They should help you discern which habits are conducive to your creativity, and which are deterring you from success.  Now let’s examine some specific ways you can seek out inspiration.

Here are some simple things you can do to jumpstart your creativity:

  • Do you keep an art-idea journal?  If you don’t already have one, an idea journal will help you start focusing ideas. Returning to your journal entries at a later date will come in handy should you encounter artistic block again.
  • When was the last time you cleaned your workspace? A little cleaning and organization might be just what you need to clear your head and find a fresh start.
  • When was the last time you thought about the mood of your studio? Try opening a window, relocating your easel or turning on the music. All of these small changes can offer you a new perspective and create an inspirational mood. Finding a new place to create for a day might help you tap into a different mindset.
  • When was the last time you engaged in your favorite hobby? You never know when an inspirational experience might come your way. Go out and try something new, or take the time to rediscover a beloved activity.
  • Have you connected with other artists lately? This website is founded on the idea that artists can inspire, and be inspired by, other artists http://artistsinspireartists.com/

We hope this post gives you a creative boost.  You can find more inspirational advice by visiting this website:  http://emptyeasel.com/art-business-advice/motivation/.

Be an Artist in 2 minutes with Segmation SegPlay® PC (see more details here)


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Oil Painting Supplies – What Do I Need?

Take a leisurely walk around your local art supply store. Does being around art supplies excite you? Or does it overwhelm you?

If you’re a just embarking on your journey as an artist, your first experience with shopping for oil painting supplies could make your head spin.

Many professionals will tell you that getting your feet wet (and brushes, for that matter) will take some time. Learning what works best for you is a process. If you have had one of these frightening experiences, fear not, help is on the way!

One thing you may notice in the stores or online, is that there are a multitude of choices you must make before you start to paint. In fact, there are more choices than you’ll know what to do with.

Time after time beginners go into the supply store and come out needing a bank loan to get out from underneath the bill. If you fear this could happen to you, take a deep breath and remind yourself that you don’t need everything that you see. This leads us to tip one of three– know what you need when shopping for oil paint supplies.

Tip #1 – Stick to the basics

Most painting supply stores will have their lines of products broken down into categories assorted from beginners to professionals. If you are a first time oil painter, or are relatively new to the craft, you’re going to want to keep many of the beginner products in mind. But beware: Not all beginner products are a great idea to start with.

English: Various brushes for painting on glass...

Tip #2 – Don’t skimp on brushes

If you are the casual painter, it may be tempting to be conservative with spending. However, it is a good idea to always consider the high-end, quality brushes over the introductory and mid-grade brushes. Why? Cheap brushes shed hair and lose their shape much faster than quality brushes do. Whether you’re 5 or 55, this is an insanely frustrating way to work.

Tip #3 – Try a small variety

There are mediums like poppy seed and lint seed oil, canvas in all textures, thickness, and sizes. Not to mention there are more paint color choices than your car manufacturer offers.

Generally store associates are there to help guide your choices, but this is not always the case. The best idea is to try a small assortment of each of the above products. The goal here is to not break the bank. (Although you needn’t worry if you break the bank because you’ll have enough supplies to paint yourself a new one!)

When shopping for oil paint supplies, take your time and don’t be too hasty. Your aim is to end up with a well rounded basic set of instruments (brushes and canvases). The easels, bags, pallets, and much more are waiting for you at your local art supply store.

So what are you still doing sitting here? Go get your paint on!

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